

通讯地址:广州市天河区五山路483号新葡萄娱乐官网版网站  510642

龚浪,男,生物学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,任职于新葡萄娱乐官网版网站传染病教研室。现担任华南农业大学非洲猪瘟防控技术中心副主任。主要从事猪冠状病毒与非洲猪瘟的分子流行病学及致病机制研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点领域研发计划子任务、省自然科学基金等课题。以第一作者或通讯作者在PLoS Pathogens、Journal of Virology(4篇)、Emerging Infectious Diseases、Veterinary Microbiology等论文26篇。担任Journal of Virology、Veterinary Microbiology、BMC Veterinary Research等杂志审稿人。获2019年度中国畜牧兽医学会猪肠道病研究进步奖,2023年度广东省畜牧兽医学会“大华农杯”杰出科技工作者,目前在读硕士14人。


2014年09月-2018年12月   中山大学生命科学学院 博士研究生

2011年09月-2014年06月   新葡萄娱乐官网版网站 硕士研究生

2004年09月-2008年06月   江西农业大学动物科学技术学院 本科生


2019年06月-至今  新葡萄娱乐官网版网站  副教授、硕导

2021年03月-2022年03月   香港大学医学院  博士后





1.Qi Gao, Yifan Xu, Yongzhi Feng, Xiaoyu Zheng, Ting Gong, Qiyuan Kuang, Qinxin Xiang,Lang Gong(并列通讯),Guihong Zhang. Deoxycholic acid inhibits ASFV replication by inhibiting MAPK signaling pathway. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024.中科院一区,Top期刊

2.Xiongnan Chen, Yifan Liang, Zhijun Weng, Chen Hu, Yunzhao Peng, Yingshuo Sun, Qi Gao, Zhao Huang, Shengqiu Tang, Lang Gong(并列通讯), Guihong Zhang. ALIX and TSG101 are essential for cellular entry and replication of two porcine alphacoronaviruses. PLoS Pathogens.2024. 中科院一区,Top期刊

3.Huang Zhao, Haoxuan Cao, Fanliang Zeng, Sizhan Lin, Jianglin Chen, Yi Luo, Jianyi You, Cuiying Kong, Zhanzhuo Mai, Jie Deng, Weiting Guo, Xiongnan Chen, Heng Wang, Pei Zhou, Guihong Zhang, Lang Gong(最后通讯). African Swine Fever Virus MGF505-7R Interacts with Interferon Regulatory Factor 9 to Evade the Type I Interferon Signaling Pathway and Promote Viral Replication. Journal of Virology. 2023.中科院二区,Top期刊

4.Qi Gao, Zhijun Weng, Yongzhi Feng, Ting Gong, Xiaoyu Zheng,Guihong Zhang, Lang Gong(最后通讯). KPNA2 suppresses porcine epidemic diarrhea virus replication by targeting and degrading virus envelope protein through selective autophagy. Journal of Virology. 2023. 中科院二区,Top期刊

5.Qi Gao, Yunlong Yang, Yizhuo Luo, Xiongnan Chen, Ting Gong, Dongdong Wu, Yongzhi Feng, Xiaoyu Zheng, Heng Wang, Guihong Zhang, Gang Lu, Lang Gong(唯一通讯). ASFV envelope glycoprotein CD2v interacts with host CSF2RA to regulate the JAK2-STAT3 pathway and inhibit apoptosis to facilitate virus replication. Journal of Virology. 2023. 中科院二区,Top期刊

6.Xiongnan Chen, Yifang Liang, Zhijun Wen, Weipeng Quan, Chen Hu, Yunzhao Peng, Yingshuo Sun, Qi Sun, Zhao Huang, Guihong Zhang, Lang Gong(唯一通讯). Porcine Enteric Alphacoronavirus Entry through Multiple Pathways (Caveolae, Clathrin, and Macropinocytosis) Requires Rab GTPases for Endosomal Transport. Journal of Virology. 2023. 中科院二区,Top期刊

7.Yingshuo Sun, Ting Gong, Dongdong Wu, Yongzhi Feng, Qi Gao, Jiabao Xing, Xiaoyu Zheng, Zebu Song, Xing Liu, Xiongnan Chen, Yankuo Sun, Guihong Zhang, Lang Gong(唯一通讯). Isolation, identification, and pathogenicity of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023. 中科院二区,Top期刊

8.Qi Gao, Yongzhi Feng, Ting Gong, Dongdong Wu, Xiaoyu Zheng, Yizhuo Luo, Yunlong Yang, Zebu Song, Lang Gong(并列通讯), Guihong Zhang. Porcine enteric alphacoronavirus infection increases lipid dr oplet accumulation to facilitate the virus replication. Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2023. 中科院一区,Top期刊

