




    1987年毕业于兰州大学生物系细胞生物学专业获得理学学士学位, 1998/09-2000/03在华南农业大学预防兽医学专业研究生班学习。1994/05至今在新葡萄娱乐官网版网站工作。现任广州市华南农业大学兽医科技研究中心主任。













• 国家自然科学基金项目:炎性体NLRP3/ASC/Caspase-1活化平台介导免疫调节及猪瘟病毒感染致病的分子机制研究(31472200),2015.01--2018.12

• 广东省科技计划项目:防制口蹄疫的新生物制剂研究,(2009.7-2012.6);•      



1.Liu WJ, Yang YT, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Dong XY, Gou HC, Pei JJ, Chen JD*. PKR activation enhances replication of classical swine fever virus in PK-15 cells[J].  Virus Res.2015,204(2),47~57

2.Yuan J, Han Z, Li J, Huang Y, Yang J, Ding H, Zhang J, Zhu M, Zhang Y, Liao J, Zhao M(赵明秋), Chen J*. Atypical Porcine Pestivirus as a Novel Type of Pestivirus in Pigs in China[J].  Front Microbiol,2017, 8: 862.

3.Gou H, Zhao M(赵明秋), Xu H, Yuan J, He W, Zhu M, Ding H, Yi L, Chen J*. CSFV induced mitochondrial fission and mitophagy to inhibit apoptosis[J].  Oncotarget. 2017

4.Gou H, Zhao M(赵明秋), Yuan J, Xu H, Ding H, Chen J*.Metabolic Profiles in Cell Lines Infected with Classical Swine Fever Virus[J].  Front Microbiol, 2017, 8: 691.

5.Jingjing Pei, Jieru Deng, Zuodong Ye, Jiaying Wang, Hongchao Gou, Wenjun Liu, Mingqiu Zhao(赵明秋), Jinding Chen*.Absence of autophagy promotes apoptosis by modulating ROS-dependent RLR signaling pathway in classical swine fever virus-infected cells[J].  Autophagy. 2016.

6.Gou H, Deng J, Wang J, Pei J,  Liu W, Zhao M(赵明秋), Chen J*, Rapid and sensitive detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a vertical flow visualization strip[J].  Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2015. 29(1):  48-53.

7.Gou H, Deng J, Pei J, Wang J, Liu W, Zhao M(赵明秋), Chen J* , Rapid and sensitive detection of type II porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a vertical flow visualization strip[J].  Journal of Virological Methods, 2014. 209: 86-94.

8.Pei J, Zhao M(赵明秋), Ye Z, Gou H, Wang J, Yi L, Dong X, Liu W, Luo Y, Liao M, Chen J*. Autophagy enhances the replication of classical swine fever virus in vitro [J]. Autophagy. 2014, 10(1):93-110.

9.Liu WJ, Zhu M, Pei JJ, Dong XY, Liu W, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Wang JY, Gou HC, Luo YW, Chen JD*. Molecular phylogenetic and positive selection analysis of Japanese encephalitis virus strains isolated from pigs in China [J]. Virus Res. 2013, 178(2):547-52.

10.Dong XY, Liu WJ, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Wang JY, Pei JJ, Luo YW, Ju CM, Chen JD*. Classical swine fever virus triggers RIG-I and MDA5-dependent signaling pathway to IRF-3 and NF-κB activation to promote secretion of interferon and inflammatory cytokines in porcine alveolar macrophages [J]. Virol J. 2013, 13;10:286-89.

11.Shen HY, Wang JY, Dong XY, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Kang Y, Li YG, Pei JJ, Liao M, Ju CM, Yi L, Hu Y, Chen JD*. Genome and Molecular Characterization of a CSFV Strain Isolated from a CSF Outbreak in South China [J]. Intervirology. 2013, 56(2):122-33.

12.DONG Xiao-Ying, Yan,H.C, TANG Sheng-Qiu, Zhao Ming-Qiu(赵明秋), JU Chun-Mei, CHEN Jin-Ding*. Structural Glycoproteins of Classical Swine Fever Virus: Implication for Vaccine Development. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine ,2013,68(2):1~8.

13.Dong XY, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Tang SQ, Wang JY, Pei JJ, Liu WJ, Ju CM, Luo YW, and Chen JD*.Review of Different Strategies for Preventing and Controlling Classical Swine Fever[J].    Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine.2012, 67(4):203~213.

14.Chen L J, Dong X Y, Zhao M Q(赵明秋), Chen JD*et al. Classical swine fever  virus failed to activate nuclear factor-kappa b signaling pathway both in vitro and in vivo[J]. Virol J. 2012, 9: 293-97.

15.Chen LJ, Dong XY, Shen HY, Zhao MQ(赵明秋), Ju CM, Yi L, Zhang XT, Kang YM, Chen JD*.classical swine fever virus suppresses maturation and modulates functions of monocyte-derived dendritic cell without activating nuclear factor kappa B. research in veterinary science,2012, 93:529~537

16.Yan-Fang Xu, Hai-Yan Shen, Ming-Qiu Zhao(赵明秋), Li-Jun Chen, Yin-Guang Li, Ming Liao, Jun-Tao Jia, Ying-Ran Lv, Lin Yi, Jin-Ding Chen*. Adenovirus-vectored shRNAs targeted to the highly conserved regions of VP1 and 2B in tandem inhibits replication of foot-and-mouth disease virus both in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Virological Methods, 2012, 181 :1 ;51



1.陈金顶, 常艳,勾红潮,邓洁汝,王佳莹,裴晶晶,赵明秋. 一种检测布鲁菌的LAMP核酸试纸条试剂盒及其应用. 专利号:ZL 2013 10156085.8

2.陈金顶,李银光,赵明秋,徐艳芳,李姗姗,刘文俊,代曼曼. 抗口蹄疫病毒复制与感染的生物制剂及其制备方法与应用. 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0004296.5

3.陈金顶,李银光,赵明秋,徐艳芳,李姗姗,刘文俊,代曼曼. 抗口蹄疫病毒复制与感染的重组腺病毒及制备与应用. 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0016518.5

4.陈金顶,刘薇,张学涛,赵明秋,乔进平,王波,勾红潮. 一种检测日本乙型脑炎病毒的RT-LAMP可视化试剂盒及其应用. 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0416855.9

5.陈金顶,李姗姗,胡永明,赵明秋,勾红潮,刘文俊,裴晶晶. 一种鉴别猪瘟病毒疫苗株与野毒株的引物及方法. 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0417367.X


7.陈金顶, 王佳莹,常艳,赵明秋,吴云燕.检测牛布鲁氏菌重组菌株S19-Δbp26-BL 及其制备方法与应用. 受理公开号:CN103289986A


