来源:新葡萄娱乐官网版网站 发布时间:2017-09-29 浏览次数:11452





2005年于吉林大学预防兽医学专业获得博士学位,博士期间主要研究猪的伪狂犬病、狂犬病的研究。博士毕业后进入新葡萄娱乐官网版网站工作。目前从事野生动物病毒遗传进化和肠道寄生虫适应性的机制、病原跨越血脑屏障的机制、弓形虫抗猪病毒病免疫调控及寄生虫抗肿瘤发展等机理的研究,同时课题组也从事野生动物病毒检测方法、临床寄生虫的检测方法、免疫制剂和临床抗寄生虫药效评价等应用的研究。入选国家科技特派团专家团队,担任国家科技部“国家重点研发计划政府间重点专项项目”评审专家,中组部“青年拔尖人才支持计划”项目的评审专家;“国家自然科学基金项目”评审专家,“国家留学基金委公派研究生留学项目和访学项目”评审专家,“广东省自然基金项目”评审专家,“广东省农业厅产业园项目”评审专家、“广东省兽药GMP”现场评审专家等;申报发明专利16项,授权专利6项;软件著作权4项;实用新型专利1项。制订“猪场伪狂犬病净化方案”及“猪场寄生虫综合防控方案”等企业标准6项;参编教材«新编人兽共患病学»、«兽医寄生虫学·第九版»、«兽医寄生虫学·案例版»、«弓形虫病学»,参译«兽医寄生虫»论著。参加了中国动物卫生与流行病学中心组织的国际动物卫生法典和手册的翻译工作(负责寄生虫章节)。担任中国畜牧兽医学会兽医寄生虫分会理事、广东省寄生虫学会理事、广东省健康科普促进会生物安全分会委员。近几年在国内外公开发表学术论文128篇,其中SCI论文84篇(第一或通讯作者43篇),中文核心学术论文57篇。2013-2014年到University of Wisconsin-Madison进行弓形虫功能基因致病机制的研究及2018年到The Universtiy of Tennessee学习弓形虫遗传进化的机制。


Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue (Genes, 影响因子4.096)(2022)

Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue (BioMed Research International, 影响因子2.134)(2012)

《The Chinese Journal of Biology》编委员会委员(2013-现在)

《Adevances in Medicine》编委员会委员(2010-现在)






2015年1月-至 今,华南农业大学,新葡萄娱乐官网版网站,教授,博导

2013年9月-2014年9月,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,医学微生物免疫学院,访问学者,合作导师:Laura J Knoll

















1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31972707,宿主补体蛋白C3a介导弓形虫入侵中枢神经系统的分子机制,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持


3. 佛山市“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎检测技术研发”应急科技攻关专项,2020001000151,新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎检测技术研发,2020/01-2021/12,已结题,主持

4. 国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFD0501205,规模化地方猪养殖疫病综合防控技术集成与示范,2018/06-2020/12,已结题,课题主持

5. 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFD0501305,隐孢子虫快速检测、治疗与载体疫苗构建,2017/06-2020/12,已结题,子课题主持

6. 广东省教育厅重点平台及科研项目,2017KTSCX018,弓形虫Rab2基因在小鼠脑损伤致病机理的研究,2018/01-2019/12,已结题,主持

7. 2016年广东省自然科学基金项目,2016A030313396,MicroRNA介导弓形虫棒状体蛋白逃避宿主免疫机制的研究,2016/06-2019/06,主持

8. 2014广东省公益研究与能力建设专项基金项目,2014A020214007,人畜共患弓形虫病诊断方法及免疫制剂的研制,2015/01-2017/12,主持

9. 教育部霍英东教育基金项目,141029,mmu-let-7a介导弓形虫棒状体蛋白18抑制巨噬细胞凋亡机制的研究,2014/03-2017/01,主持

10. 家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室开放基金课题,SKLVEB2015KFKT002,mmu-let-7a介导弓形虫棒状体蛋白18抑制巨噬细胞凋亡机制的研究,2015/01-2016/12,主持

11. 惠州市科技计划项目,2015B040009001,繁殖母猪弓形体病的预防与治疗研究,2015/12-2016/11,主持

12. 广州市科信局项目,2011J2200100,广东省猪源弓形体病药物防控技术的研制,2011/11-2015/06,主持

13. 省农业公关项目,2010B020307006,以犬二型腺病毒为载体表达H3亚型犬源流感病毒HA蛋白重组活载体病毒的研究,2010/10-2013/12,主持

14. 部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,20094404120016,弓形虫感染食蟹猴动物模型的建立及免疫应答研究,2010/01-2012/12,主持

15. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,30901067,弓形虫体外感染巨噬细胞的蛋白组学研究,2010/01-2012/12,主持







6.奶牛重大疫病检测技术创新与应用荣获 “2013年度广东省科学技术奖”二等奖(排名第六);



(1) Yuan ZG (第一作者), Ren D, Zhou DH, Zhang XX, Petersen E, Li XZ, Zhou Y, Yang GL, Zhu XQ, Evaluation of protective effect of pVAX-TgMIC13 plasmid against acute and chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection in a murine model, Vaccine, 2013, 31(31): 3135-9

(2) Lu CN#, Yuan ZG#, Zhang XL, Yan R, Zhao YQ, Liao M, Chen JX Saikosaponin a and its epimer saikosaponin d exhibit anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing activation of NF-κB signaling pathway Int Immunopharmacol. 2012, 14(1): 121-6

(3) Yuan ZG#(第一作者), Zhang XX#, Lin RQ, Petersen E, He S, Yu M, He XH, Zhou DH, He Y, Li HX, Liao M, Zhu XQ, Protective effect against toxoplasmosis in mice induced by DNA immunization with gene encoding Toxoplasma gondii ROP18, Vaccine, 2011, 29(38): 6614-9

(4) Yuan ZG#(第一作者), Zhang XX#, He XH, Petersen E, Zhou DH, He Y, Lin RQ, Li XZ, Chen XL, Shi XR, Zhong XL, Zhang B, Zhu XQ, Protective immunity induced by Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry protein 16 against toxoplasmosis in mice, Clin Vaccine Immunol, 2011, 18(1): 119-24

(5) Yuan ZG#(第一作者), Luo SJ, Xu HJ, Wang XH, Li J, Yuan LG, He LT, Zhang XX, Generation of E3-deleted canine adenovirus type 2 expressing the Gc glycoprotein of Seoul virus by gene insertion or deletion of related terminal region sequences, J Gen Virol, 2010, 1764-71

(6) Yuan ZG# (第一作者), Li XM#, Mahmmod YS, Wang XH, Xu HJ, Zhang XX, A single immunization with a recombinant canine adenovirus type 2 expressing the seoul virus Gn glycoprotein confers protective immunity against seoul virus in mice, Vaccine, 2009, 27(38): 5247-51

(7) Yuan Z (第一作者), Zhang S, Liu Y, Zhang F, Fooks AR, Li Q, Hu R, A recombinant pseudorabies virus expressing rabies virus glycoprotein: safety and immunogenicity in dogs, Vaccine, 2008, 26(10): 1314-21

(8) Yuan Z# (第一作者), Gao S, Liu Q, Xia X, Liu X, Liu B, Hu R, Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in cancer patients, Cancer Lett, 2007, 254(1): 71-4

(9) Su S, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Chen J, Xie J, Li H, Huang Z, Zhang M, Du G, Chen Z, Tu L, Zou Y, Miao J, Wang H, Jia K, Li S. Short communication: isolation and phylogenetic analysis of an avian-origin H3N2 canine influenza virus in dog shelter, China. Virus Genes. 2013 Jan 26. [Epub ahead of print] (1 Contributed equally to this work)

(10) Lei N, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Huang SF, Zhang DW, Zhang AG, Huang BH, Zhang GH, Li SJ. Transmission of avian-origin canine influenza viruses A (H3N2) in cats. Vet Microbiol. 2012 Dec 7;160(3-4):481-3. (1 Contributed equally to this work)

(11) Lu CN, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Zhang XL, Yan R, Zhao YQ, Liao M, Chen JX. Saikosaponin a and its epimer saikosaponin d exhibit anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing activation of NF-κB signaling pathway. Int Immunopharmacol. 2012 Sep;14(1):121-6. (1 Contributed equally to this work)

(12) Zhou DH, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Zhao FR, Li HL, Zhou Y, Lin RQ, Zou FC, Song HQ, Xu MJ, Zhu XQ. Modulation of mouse macrophage proteome induced by Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites in vivo. Parasitol Res. 2011 Dec;109(6):1637-46. (1 Contributed equally to this work)

(13) Zhang X, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Duan Q, Zhu H, Yu H, Wang Q. Mucosal immunity in mice induced by orally administered transgenic rice. Vaccine. 2009 Mar 4;27(10):1596-600. 

(14) Zhang X, Yuan Z1(并列第一), Guo X, Li J, Li Z, Wang Q. Expression of Chlamydophila psittaci MOMP heat-labile toxin B subunit fusion gene in transgenic rice. Biologicals. 2008 Sep;36(5):296-302. (1 contributed equally to this work)


(1)Yan Z, Yuan H, Wang J, Yang Z, Zhang P, Mahmmod YS, Wang X, Liu T, Song Y, Ren Z, Zhang XX, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者). Four Chemotherapeutic Compounds That Limit Blood-Brain-Barrier Invasion by Toxoplasma gondii. Molecules, 2022, 27(17):5572. doi: 10.3390/molecules27175572

(2)Yuan-Ni Shi, Lin-Miao Li, Jia-Bin Zhou, Yan Hua, Zhi-Liao Zeng, Ye-Pin Yu, Ping Liu, Zi-Guo Yuan*(通讯作者), Jin-Ping Chen*. Detection of a novel Pestivirus strain in Java ticks (Amblyomma javanense) and the hosts Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica) and Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla). Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, Sep 2. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.988730

(3)Yuan H, Song Y, Zhang XX, Zhai J, Zhang J, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者). Public awareness should be raised on a crucial but neglected factor for COVID-19 vaccination. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, Sep 26. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1027539

(4)Yuan H, Zhang XX, Yang ZP, Wang XH, Mahmmod YS, Zhang P, Yan ZJ, Wang YY, Ren ZW, Guo QY*, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者). Unveiling of brain transcriptome of masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) with chronic infection of Toxoplasma gondii. Parasit Vectors. 2022;15(1):263. doi: 10.1186/s13071-022-05378-5

(5)Wang X, Ren Z(所指导博士) Wang L(所指导硕士) , Chen J, Zhang P(所指导硕士), Chen JP, Chen X(所指导硕士), Li L, Lin X, Qi N, Luo S, Xiang R, Yuan Z (导师), Zhang J, Wang G, Sun MH, Huang Y, Hua Y, Zou J, Hou F, Huang Z, Du S, Xiang H, Sun M, Liu Q, Liao M. Identification of coronaviruses in farmed wild animals reveals their evolutionary origins in Guangdong, southern China. Virus Evol. 2022 Jun 21;8(1):veac049. doi: 10.1093/ve/veac049

(6)Tianming Lan, Dongming Fang, Haimeng Li, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Qing Wang, Hao Yuan, Yixin Zhu, Zipeng Yang, Le Zhang, Shangchen Yang, Haorong Lu, Lei Han, Shaofang Zhang, Jieyao Yu, Yasser S. Mahmmod, Yanchun Xu, Yan Hua, Fengping He*, Zi-Guo Yuan*(通讯作者), Huan Liu*. Chromosome-Scale Genome of Masked Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) Shows Genomic Signatures of Its Biological Characteristics and Evolution. Frotiers in Genetics, 2022 Jan 21. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.819493

(7)Yang Zipeng, Xu Chang-Peng, Chen Yuhui, Li Wenqiang, Wang Liping, Yuan Zi-Guo*(通讯作者). A Novel Mechanical-Based Injective Hydrogel for Treatment with Aromatase Inhibitors Caused Joint Inflammation via the NF-kappa B Pathway, ACS Omega, 2021, 6(15): 10242-10249

(8)Wang Junjie, Liu Tanghui, Mahmmod Yasser S, Yang Zipeng, Tan Jiexing, Ren Zhaowen, Zhang Xirui, Yang Xiaoying, Zhang Xiu-Xiang, Yuan Zi-Guo*(通讯作者). Transcriptome Analysis of Testes and Uterus: Reproductive Dysfunction Induced byToxoplasma gondiiin Mice, Microorganisms, 2020, 8(8): 0-1136 

(9)Huang Wan-Yi, WangYa-Pei, Yasser S. Mahmmod, Wang Jun-Jie, Liu Tang-Hui, Zheng Yu-Xiang, Zhou Xue, Zhang Xiu-Xiang, Yuan Zi-Guo*(通讯作者). A Double-Edged Sword: Complement Component 3 in Toxoplasma gondii Infection, Proteomics, 2019, 19(3): e1800271 

(10)Lin Lv, Yapei Wang, Weili Feng, Jorge A. Hernandezc, Wanyi Huang, Yuxiang Zheng, Xue Zhou, Shumei Lv, Yajun Chen, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者).iTRAQ-based differential proteomic analysis in Mongolian gerbil brains chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Journal of Proteomics, 2017. 

(11)Li XZ, Lv L, Zhang X, Anchang KY, Abdullahi AY, Tu L, Wang X, Xia L, Zhang XX, Feng W, Lu C, Li S, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者). Recombinant canine adenovirus type-2 expressing TgROP16 provides partial protection against acute Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice. Infect Genet Evol, 2016,11;45:447-453.

(12)Li XZ, Wang XH, Xia LJ, Weng YB, Hernandez JA, Tu LQ, Li LT, Li SJ, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者), Protective efficacy of recombinant canine adenovirus type-2 expressing TgROP18 (CAV-2-ROP18) against acute and chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice, BMC Infect Dis, 2015,15(1): 114

(13)Zhang XX, Yu H, Wang XH, Li XZ, Zhu YP, Li HX, Luo SJ, Yuan ZG* (通讯作者), Protective efficacy against Chlamydophila psittaci by oral immunization based on transgenic rice expressing MOMP in mice, Vaccine, 2013, 31(4): 698-703

(14)Wang PY, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者), Petersen E, Li J, Zhang XX, Li XZ, Li HX, Lv ZC, Cheng T, Ren D, Yang GL, Lin RQ, Zhu XQ*(通讯作者), Protective efficacy of a Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry protein 13 plasmid DNA vaccine in mice, Clin Vaccine Immunol, 2012, 19(12): 1916-20

(15)Chen N, Yuan ZG* (通讯作者), Xu MJ, Zhou DH, Zhang XX, Zhang YZ, Wang XW, Yan C, Lin RQ, Zhu XQ*(通讯作者), Ascaris suum enolase is a potential vaccine candidate against Ascariasis, Vaccine, 2012, 30(23): 3478-82

(16)Yan HK, Yuan ZG* (通讯作者), Song HQ, Petersen E, Zhou Y, Ren D, Zhou DH, Li HX, Lin RQ, Yang GL, Zhu XQ*(通讯作者), Vaccination with a DNA vaccine coding for perforin-like protein 1 and MIC6 induces significant protective immunity against Toxoplasma gondii, Clin Vaccine Immunol, 2012, 19(5): 684-9

(17)Yan HK, Yuan ZG* (通讯作者), Petersen E, Zhang XX, Zhou DH, Liu Q, He Y, Lin RQ, Xu MJ, Chen XL, Zhong XL, Zhu XQ*(通讯作者), Toxoplasma gondii: protective immunity against experimental toxoplasmosis induced by a DNA vaccine encoding the perforin-like protein 1, Exp Parasitol, 2011, 128(1): 38-43

(18)Liu MM, Yuan ZG*(通讯作者), Peng GH, Zhou DH, He XH, Yan C, Yin CC, He Y, Lin RQ, Song HQ, Zhu XQ*(通讯作者). Toxoplasma gondii microneme protein 8 (MIC8) is a potential vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis. Parasitol Res. 2010 Apr;106(5):1079-84

(19)Peng GH, Yuan ZG1, *(通讯作者), Zhou DH, He XH, Liu MM, Yan C, Yin CC, He Y, Lin RQ, Zhu XQ*. Toxoplasma gondii microneme protein 6 (MIC6) is a potential vaccine candidate against toxoplasmosis in mice. Vaccine. 2009 Nov 5;27(47):6570-4

(20)Yang Zhou, Ping Lu, Min-Jun Xu, Di Ren, Dong-Hui Zhou, HX Li, Ruiqing Lin, Feng-Cai Zou, Zi-Guo Yuan*(通讯作者). Sequence variation in TgROP7 gene among Toxoplasma gondii isolates from different hosts and geographical regions. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2012 Mar;11(25):6658-6661

(21)Di Ren, Dong-Hui Zhou, Min-Jun Xu, Yang Zhou, Jian-Fa Yang, Ze-Ping Lin, Rui-Qing Lin, Song-Ming Wu, Shao-Qi Lin, Feng-Cai Zou, Zi-Guo Yuan*(通讯作者). Sequence variation in Toxoplasma gondii MIC13 gene among isolates from different hosts and geographical locations. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2012;6(6):1333-1337

(22)Hai-KuoYan, Huiqun Song, Yang Zhou, Di Ren, Donghui Zhou, Minjun Xu, Ruiqing Lin, Xing-Quan Zhu, Zi-Guo Yuan*(通讯作者). Sequence Variation in Perforin-Like Protein 1 Gene among Six Toxoplasma gondii Strains. J Anim Vet Adv 2011;10(17):2244-2247

